A true story:
While travelers boarded an airplane, two men found their seats, sat down, and buckled in for the flight. One of the two men was a businessman who frequently traveled. He asked the other man, conversationally, whether he was flying for business or pleasure.
“Pleasure,” the other man replied. “I’m on my honeymoon.”
“Your honeymoon?” the businessman asked, mystified. “Where’s your wife?”
“Oh, she’s a few rows back. The plane was full, so we couldn’t get seats together.”
The plane hadn’t started rolling yet, so the businessman said, “I’d be happy to change seats with her so that
the two of you can be together.”
“That’s okay,” the young man replied. “I’ve been talking to her all week.”
Hey guys, this Valentine’s season, go ahead and talk to your wife again, okay?
(:-) Bro J
(Gary Thomas, Sacred Marriage (Zondervan, 2000), p. 154
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