The Old Testament calls the Messiah the King of Heaven (Daniel 4:37) who reigns on high on an unshakeable throne (Psalm 93), King above all gods (Psalm 95). Psalm 11:4 says, “The LORD is in His holy temple, The LORD’s throne is in heaven; His eyes behold, His eyelids test the sons of men.”
From Jesus’ lofty throne, He can see everything. We must look like little bitty ants to Him. Little ants at His picnic. Lint on His carpet. A grain of sand on His beach. The King of Heaven is over all and sees all.
The first thing this brings to my mind is His extraordinary size! Jesus is BIG! He once was a little bitty baby, but He has grown up since then. Now He sits enthroned in Heaven and He’s a really big deal.
The second thing I think of is His perfect eyesight! He sees us. He sees us in night and day. At work and at home. In church or at the game. From His high and lifted up position, His eyesight tests people. He needs no corrective glasses, no magnifier and no telescope.
The third thing I noticed was that Jesus’ oversight either makes us happy or anxious. Those who follow Jesus wholeheartedly rejoice in His oversight. We count on it. It’s the answer to our prayers. Those who reject Christ, mistrust Him, hate Him and ridicule His followers cannot accept that “God is watching.” But whether they want Him to see or not, Christ sees. He sees it all.
The gaze of the King of Heaven is fixed upon you today. Does that make you happy? Or, does that make you anxious?
The King of Heaven’s gaze on me makes me feel happy, for sure; secure, confident, loved. He has my day planned, our prayer time appointed, and He sees people in my path that I can help, encourage, or introduce to the King of Heaven.
I feel so secure knowing and feeling that God gazes down on me. He has his plans before me even before I know what I know they are. They fall into place every morning when I rise and thank him for the day. I always ask whatever he has planned for me for the day, may I be ready and willing to do whatever he throws at me.