We had a funeral recently. I was getting the sanctuary ready for the service and I put the Reserved clips on the pews in the center front, holding that seating for the family.
Reserved seats at the funeral is a gesture of respect and sympathy for the family. Their sorrow is the focus of a church funeral as fellow believers come alongside the family. This post is not about the family or that funeral.
It’s about Reserved.
As I walked away from placing the last clip on the pew, I looked back at all the Reserved signs. And it occurred to me that someday, someone will clip the pews as Reserved for my family, cause I’ll be the one who has died. That’s a reservation that I know I have. It’s a reservation all of us have.
Reserved is a word we use alot when we travel. We use an app on the phone to get a room reserved before we get to our place. We reserve rental cars. We reserve tables at nice restaurants. I want to put before you the fact that you can make a reservation for the day you die. You do that by believing in Jesus Christ as your only hope. You make a reservation in heaven by humbling yourself before God and asking Him to forgive your sins through the means of Jesus Christ’s death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead.
Jesus told His disciples that He was going to prepare a place for us. It’s Reserved Only. It’s a fabul0us place, too amazing to describe. But to go there, you are required to make a reservation.
Before they’re reserving the spot for your family to sit at your funeral, it would be wise to make a reservation for yourself.
Pray and ask Jesus to save you and forgive you: Lord Jesus, I know that I’m a sinner and I cannot save myself. I believe that you are the Son of God, that you died on the cross and you rose from the dead. Please forgive me of all my sin. Please come into my life by the Holy Spirit. Today, I’m trusting you to bring me to God on the day that I die. Thank you, Jesus, for hearing my prayer. AMEN
No 800 number. Just pray to Him, from your soul to His ear.
Pastor Jonathan
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